Published on HuffPost

The Iran Deal is in America’s National Security Interests

Bailing out of the Iran Deal will have profound implications for American foreign policy…

Published on HuffPost

Why Are Republicans Choosing Party Over Country?

President Donald Trump’s Russia scandal is testing the resiliency of America’s democracy…

Published on HuffPost

Trump is doing harm to America’s Economic Security

The consequences of Donald Trump’s economic agenda will be costly for the Middle Class and will diminish America’s global leadership…

Published on HuffPost

The Self-Centered Presidency With No Coherent Plan

Donald Trump sold himself as a businessman and dealmaker who could rescue the nation’s economy…

Published on HuffPost

Trump’s Tax Cut For The Wealthy Will Hurt The Economy

President Donald Trump promised to make decisions that would benefit American workers and families but his tax “reform” plan would actually hurt our economic growth by…

Published on HuffPost

A Preemptive Strike on North Korea Risks an All-Out War in the Asia Pacific

North Korean provocations are forcing a United States decision whether or not to carry out a preemptive strike…

Published on HuffPost

Trump is weakening America’s credibility

To quote Donald Trump, “If you don’t deliver the goods, people will catch on.”…

Published on The Hill

Trump’s actions are an assault on the Constitution

The country is experiencing a crisis that transcends politics. Donald Trump’s firing of FBI Director James Comey, who was in charge of investigating…

Published on The Hill

GOP siding with Trump on Russia shows depth of partisan divide

President Donald Trump’s Russia scandal is testing the resiliency of America’s democracy…

Published on The Hill

Trump’s clueless rhetoric on nukes makes US vulnerable, not safer

Last week, the leader of the free world announced that he wanted to expand the United States’ nuclear arsenal…

Published on The New York Times

Russia Tests New Missile to Counter U.S. Shield

MOSCOW — Russia’s military reported a successful test on Wednesday of a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile..

Published on PDF Documents

Report on U.S.-Russia Relations

This is a report of the International Security Advisory Board (ISAB), a Federal Advisory Committee..

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Jamie Mannina

Jamie Mannina is an experienced national security expert who has worked on many of the most..

Published on PDF Documents


WHITE HOUSE 1. Military Will Remain Strong With Cuts. Obama Tells Cadets

Published on PDF Documents

Congressional Record

House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P…

Published on Houston Chronicle

New Russian missile may foil U.S. shield

MOSCOW – Russia’s military reported a successful test Wednesday of a new type of intercontinental ballistic missile..

Published on PolitiFact

Ratification remains elusive

Ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) — the international agreement that bans the testing of nuclear weapons ..

Published on Student News Daily

Libya’s Missiles, Chemicals Worry U.S.

(by Eli Lake, – U.S. military, intelligence and diplomatic agencies are quietly making plans to secure elements of Col. Moammar Gadhafi’s expansive..

Published on The Washington Times

Libya’s missiles, chemicals worry U.S.

U.S. military, intelligence and diplomatic agencies are quietly making plans to secure elements of Col..

Published on HuffPost

Jamie Mannina

Writer, former diplomat at the U.S. Department of State, and longtime aide to Hillary Clinton..

Published on Seekers Time

Jamie Mannina Explains Nuclear Deterrence Facts vs Political Rhetoric

Nuclear deterrence remains one of the most contested…